Threshold Picture Guides - Mounted Games

'- Great guide for mounted games and skills needed!
- Learn how to compete at Gymkhanas
A great little guide that covers all sorts of topics such as: The ideal mounted pony, training your pony for mounted games, special riding skills including vaulting and neck reining.
It talks all about the games of speed and precision such as the bending race, rope race, tyre race, musical mats, flag race, dressing-up race, sack race, pyramid race, litter race, egg and spoon race, mug race, apple bobbing, barrel race, tent pegging and pole bending/stake racing! It even tells you how to make your own games and equipment. There's good advice about taking part in competitions and what to wear. With so much information packed into this book you'll be really knowledgeable all you'll need is the practise! Paperback book with 24 pages packed with great full colour illustrations.'
Buy now: £5.95