Based in Hungerford, Berkshire, Ian Davis Horse Transport is an equestrian centre with a focus on horse-riding lessons and services such as stables, dressage, saddlery and livery.
Please mention Riding-Schools.com when phoning or contacting Ian Davis Horse Transport. We'd appreciate it!
To contact Ian Davis Horse Transporthorse Riding School/equestrian centre, please call their phone number or visit their website address:
- Phone: 01672 541189
- Fax: 01672 541108
Main Facilities
- Show Jumps
- Dressage Arenas/Lessons
- Livery
- Riding Lessons/Instructors
British Horse Society (BHS) Approved- Local Countryside Hacks
- Saddlery

Contact details
Ian Davis Horse Transport
Ermin Street Stables
Ermin Street
Lambourn Woodlands
RG17 7BL
Phone: 01672 541189
RG17 7BL
Driving Directions
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