T M Christie Riding School


Based in Stirling, Stirlingshire, T M Christie is an equestrian centre with a focus on horse-riding lessons and services such as stables, dressage, saddlery and livery.

Please mention Riding-Schools.com when phoning or contacting T M Christie. We'd appreciate it!

To contact T M Christiehorse Riding School/equestrian centre, please call their phone number or visit their website address:

  • Phone: 01786 813410
Main Facilities
  • Show Jumps
  • Dressage Arenas/Lessons
  • Livery
  • Riding Lessons/Instructors
  • British Horse Society (BHS) Approved
  • Local Countryside Hacks
  • Saddlery
Horse Riding Stables
Contact details

T M Christie

Phone: 01786 813410


Driving Directions

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Latest Horse Riding Equipment and Gifts

Carrots Bang on the Door Cards

Category: Equestrian

Carrots Bang on the Door Cards

'- Some designs are blank cards that are ideal for lots of occasions or as thank you notes - And 2 of the designs have 'Happy Birthday' in them - Keep a small stock of cards at home - just in case! Cute Bang on the Door cards by Carrots.

JUST £3.54
Cottage Craft Dandy/Daisy Headcollar and Leadrope Pack


Cottage Craft Dandy/Daisy Headcollar and Leadrope Pack

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Caldene Junior Belgrade Jodhpurs

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Competition Show Scrunchie

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Competition Show Scrunchie

'Show scrunchie to match the tie above, choose from four lovely colours navy, purple, red or dusky pink with sparkly spots.

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