Think Like a Pony Workbooks

'- Become closer to your pony and know how he thinks!
- Three great books to work through and have fun learning!
Carl Hester says "The Think Like a Pony collection of workbooks will provide an invaluable education in horsemanship - on the ground and in the saddle.
" All pony-mad children (and their parents) want a pony who has perfect manners, is confident and happy and, above all safe. This series of educational workbooks, based on understanding pony behaviour, show you how you can create the pony of your dreams. By working through simple exercises, with and without a pony, you (and your parents) will discover what makes ponies "tick". These books show how you can use that knowledge to develop a wonderful relationship, trust and communication. These three books cover training on the ground. They contain imaginative exercises to train both ponies and handlers, using signals that ponies can readily understand. The exercises are designed to improve all aspects of handling and are an essential preparation for riding. Each book has over 120 pages packed with photos, drawings and great tips. !!!! Covers - body language, your pony's feet, feel, equipment, using your equipment, protecting your personal space, catching your pony, putting on the halter, can you touch your pony all over, introducing the rope and stick to your pony, what to do if your pony threatens and or frightens you. !!!! Covers - asking you pony to move his head, move backwards and forwards, please give me two eyes and respect my personal space, becoming the leader, please follow me and respect my personal space, the drive line, asking your pony to move his hindquarters or step his front end sideways or to pick up his feet, using signals of rhythmic pressure to ask your pony to move his hindquarters or front end. !!!! Covers - follow your nose, asking your pony to move on a circle and back again, keeping your pony's nose on the circle, transitions, leading your pony from his shoulder, moving calmly through narrow spaces, stepping over obstacles, introducing your pony to new things.'
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