Poles & Gridwork

'- Great if you want to improve yourself or your pony's jumping
- Lots of great diagrams to show you how to lay out grids
- Turn your pony into a jumping gymnast
When you go for your riding lesson, do you sometimes wonder how your instructor knows what distance the jumps should be apart? This book unveils all the answers to help your set up your own grids to practise with.
It takes you from the basics of negotiating a single pole on the ground and moves onto trotting poles and cantering over poles on a small circle. Then it talks about cantering over a small fence and how to build simple grids, even with bounces! When you are ready, how about moving onto jumping on the angle over fences and turning exercises that will make you a great competitor in the show jumping ring! A handy little paperback book with 24 pages of great illustrations to keep with you at all times when at the stables.'
Buy now: £5.95